Thursday, March 11, 2010

Who ordered the whoop ass fajitas?

So it has been a few days since my last post, which was significantly larger than most of the ones I have put up thus far. But oh well.

So let's get up to speed with what I've watched lately first off.

So I'm still watching new episodes of Chuck, despite having missed the two from before last week. This week's, entitled "Chuck Versus the Beard", was actually a fairly solid episode, and no doubt the turning point for the rest of the season. Despite directing, Zachary Levi gave us another great performance as the lead, and was complimented by Joshua Gomez as Morgan. I like that Morgan is being played up again, and after this week's episode, I'm curious to see what they are going to do with his character's arch for the rest of the series. But like I said last week, they are still going with less humour in each episode, and making them more serious. I'm not a fan of this at all, but it is not too evasive just yet. Here's hoping whatever development happens with Casey next week does not prove to make the show even less funny.

On Tuesday, I missed Parenthood, but caught Lost. "Dr. Linus" was a decent episode, if for anything to further prove how awesome Michael Emerson is at being Ben, even when he is not being the creepy, evil ruler he was first introduced as. But while the ending of the episode, much like Chuck, set up for where the rest of the season is headed, the entire episode felt much like what the rest of the middle episodes of each season of Lost felt like: filler. I understand not every underlying question will be answered before the series finale, but there is just too much to say in these last few episodes that is not being said. Everything is leading to the end game, but it just feels so nonchalant, so toying. I'm only sticking with the show right now because I want to see the ending through, but if I was new, I would have ditched it with how many games the creators are playing and how little they are doing to really make the show go somewhere.

I also caught Cop Out that night, the latest Kevin Smith film. I'll have a full review soon, but while it is not a great movie by any means, it is not as bad as people say it is and it really was a great step in the right direction for Smith as a filmmaker.

The last two days, I've been catching up on Mad Men, which I really need to hurry up and finish. While I watched "5G" last week, I refreshed myself this week and went on to watch "Babylon", "Red in the Face" and "The Hobo Code". Very interesting span of episodes, that were not as dry as the first few. Much like I assumed, the show did take awhile but has finally opened itself up. While amping up Christina Hendricks' part considerably in these past episode (as well as John Slattery's Roger), and finally giving Peggy something to do (other than continue to pine over Pete), it also started showing off more of who Don Draper is, how he lives, and the demons he has in the closet. I know Season 2 revolves around Don struggling to keep his other life secret, so I am curious to see if we will find out everything that happened before he joined the war and I imagine, changed his name, or if we will only continue to get the small helpings of backstory.

Finally, yesterday I watched Pandorum and The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day. I have a full length review of Boondock coming in the next few days, but I can say without any trouble that it is one of the most disappointing movies I have seen in a long time. Just an atrocious sequel in all sense of the word. I think I may have just turned it off if not for the fact that I was watching it with a large group of friends, who also happen to love the first film.

Pandorum is an interesting idea in theory, but not a very intriguing movie. It revolves around two men who wake up from hyper sleep, only to find their ship in shambles and their minds suffering from amnesia. Of course, taking a theme from many science fiction films, the earth is in trouble and the point of the voyage is to find a new place to live and colonize. Surprisingly, the film's ship includes a large group of humans that will colonize the planet should the crew land, but the evolved monsters that bear more than a passing resemblance to the creatures in Resistance 2 and Dead Space seem to want to throw a kink in that plan. The more I think about it, the more the film actually reminded me a little too much of Dead Space, except with much less religious allegories. The editing is a little all over the place in many instances, and there is much too little character development outside of a not so shocking twist at the end of the film. Like the old addage says, an interesting idea on paper but not so much on film. 6.5/10.

And that's where I am going to leave it for now. I finished God of War II, but I will have more thoughts on that next week before Part 3 comes out on Tuesday. In the mean time, I started up Brutal Legend, which is not too bad so far. Got a bizarre double header of Oldboy and Blue Velvet coming up tonight, so that should be exciting too.

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