Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Another Day, Another Show

So I added the "Free $500 Best Buy Gift Card" Fan Page to my Facebook account tonight, and I'm fairly certain I sent it straight to hell. Here's hoping my repeated contacting of Facebook will help get rid of that quicker than it appears. Otherwise, new Facebook account time. Ugh, that won't be very fun.

Otherwise, decent nights of TV watching over the past two days.

Watched the newest Chuck episode on Monday ("Chuck Versus the Fake Name"), and it was fairly well done. Nice to see Paulie Walnuts living past his Sopranos days. I've noticed its getting less comedic and a whole lot more dramatic in the last few episodes (at least from what I've seen, missed at least two). They just seem to want to catch a more serious, action driven tone lately, and less slapstick buffoonery. Not sure how I like that idea, given how the whole comedy/romance/action style has really been key to the show's success. But we shall see.

Tonight, caught the latest Lost ("Sundown"), which proved to be a totally "meh" affair by the end of it. Sure, all hell is breaking loose and the end game is slowly being set up piece by agonizing piece, but much like the show's third episode (technically second, after the two part season opener), it just did not do much for me. It developed the mythology yes, but it just seemed to be a fairly murky, throwaway episode hiding a crucial part of the show's final season. And plus, if the CTV preview mentioning the "demise" of a certain character sorely lacking in this season is a hint of next week's episode, well then I'm going to be pissed right off.

Finally, watched the premiere of Parenthood, and again, not overly impressed. It had some good moments, some funny lines and Craig T. Nelson, but it just seemed to have far too much going on all at once. I dig the cast, and will give the show a second shot, but I can only hope the next episodes aren't so jampacked with information on every character. We are supposed to get to know these characters over a season (or half a season), not fully know everything about them in one episode and then have zero to no development on any front for the rest of the season. Again, I hope that does not happen, but somehow I think it might. And Peter Krause has not been doing all that great since Six Feet Under, so the streak may just continue...

Got a Time Traveler's Wife review coming up tomorrow, and I will be watching the final three Best Picture nominated movies over the next few days. None of them stand a chance in hell of winning the award, but I like having seen all of them before the big dance. Ta for now.

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