Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Christina Hendricks, I love you.

So, have a lot to do for the rest of the day. Have a Bulldogs game in a few hours (the Hamilton Bulldogs that is), want to write reviews for Law Abiding Citizen and A Serious Man (finally), and at the same time, have a few movies to watch too.

In the mean time, I got started on Season 1 of Mad Men. I watched the first two episodes "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" and "Ladies Room". I thoroughly enjoyed the opening episode, as it gave me just enough information about each of the main characters I needed to know (specifically Don Draper played by up and comer Jon Hamm) and provided some hints as to where the season was heading (unlike Parenthood last night, that tried to cram everything it could into one episode). It has an interesting premise, and despite some dry material, I look forward to continuing watching it. Had some great humour too, which surprise me for the material, but I can imagine it is only going to get more dark and misogynistic as the episodes go on. Was a little bored by the second episode, but I think it was because it was less focused on Don, and more on the wife Betty and Peggy, the new girl. A quick search on Wikipedia suggests I am in for more fun with Peggy. Here's hoping I get more of Pete, even if he is a dirty rotten scumbag.

But who am I kidding? The real one I want more of is Joan, played by Christina Hendricks. She makes me drool every time I see her. I'm sure you can agree.

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