Monday, March 1, 2010

Extract, and Other Musings from February 8

So I figured out that I could delete old blogs, so you may never get to see my old one now.

But since I liked what I wrote there, here's my thoughts on Extract and the Super Bowl. Yay.

Watched a few other movies last week, including Southland Tales and Edge of Darkness, both of which should have full reviews up as the week goes on. At the same time, I got Michael Jackson's This is It and Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever in for review from DVDFanatic, so they should keep me busy for the next few days when I am not playing God of War II. Seems like it could be a great game, if I spent more time fighting and less time riding a Pegasus.

But that's how the week is looking like it will go. The weekend kind of flew by me without my noticing. It was not helped by Super Bowl 44, which was a fairly epic game, but only moderately exciting. I got more enjoyment watching a "rapture" themed episode of American Dad! and the second half of Tropic Thunder after the game, than I did during the actual game. But hey, for someone who's not really into football all that much, it served its purpose.

But that's all for now. Here's hoping I can crank out more posts this week than last...

So clearly that was a failure of a blog. I know I will do better this time. Won't be writing Southland or Darkness reviews any time soon, although I really dug Darkness and hated almost every minute of Southland. Review links for the other two are at the bottom of this page. Still haven't beat God of War II either, but I have until March 16th to do that...

But as promised, links!

This Is It - DVDFanatic Review

This Is It - IMDB Review

Cabin Fever 2 - DVDFanatic Review

Cabin Fever 2 - IMDB Review

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