Monday, March 1, 2010

The Start

So here is the restart of my blogging attempt. My other attempt last month, failed miserably, both because I just was not feeling it, and my blog's title was way too long for its own good. I'm sure you can find it if you search around, and you'll find my two posts I made. Ah Extract, how I hardly knew ye.

So as I tried out before, this will be fairly entertainment based blog talking about movies, TV, games, and other methods of madness the media use to shape you and me. Mostly I'm going to use it to talk about what I watched that day, and supplement it with thoughts on those items. Will also use it for shortened reviews that I do not feel need the treatment of the types of lengthy reviews I post on IMDB under the name DonFishies. And I may even hype my up and coming podcast, The Movie Chasm with Matt Layden and soon to be Greg 'The Keg' Derkach, as well.

But of course, that all depends on me actually going through with all of this. So here's hoping.

As for the title? Well batmanandeye read a lot more clever than batmanandi, but I figured I would mention the man because of the profound effect he has had on me in the past few years. First there was The Dark Knight, which may prove to be the film I most hyped myself up for ever, and a film I absolutely adore. It gets better with each viewing and feels more fresh every time. Second, I used the film series as a basis for my fourth year thesis, which nearly killed me and actually helped kill my long-term relationship. So I owe a lot to the man, and figure I would offer an ode of recognition to him with this blog.

And with that, we cue the music.

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